Detroit - Arts and Entertainment Deals

Legendary group of musical brothers reunites for tour that treats fans to renditions of their megahits and pays tribute to late brother

Roller coasters, bumper cars, and train rides for tykes aged 12 and younger

Up to 12 drivers run junior-size or double-seated karts around a 1/5-mile track for five-minute intervals

Diners test sleuthing skills while supping on three-course meal during interactive dinnertime murder mystery set in the Wild West

Billboard's Band of the Decade extends its hard-hitting tour loaded with visual effects and catalog of platinum hits

Instructors guide 7- to 8-person rafts on trip over Class I–IV rapids on scenic Menominee River, passing bald eagle nesting site

13 5,000-year-old mummies with a knack for raunchy puns and innuendo belt out funk jams in full costume

Whether sprinting or shimmying down storm drains, runners labor along a 5K route combining muddy trails and boot-camp exercises

Audiences squeal as popular boy band and Nickelodeon stars Big Time Rush pack amphitheaters with sunny summer pop and impeccable dance moves

Guides narrate a two-hour tour with historic facts and anecdotes as passengers take in landmarks and the city skyline