Detroit - Home Services Deals

Cleaners armed with eco-friendly supplies, vacuums with HEPA filters, and hypoallergenic UV-C sanitizing wands sanitize home surfaces

3-D camera surveys air ducts for grime and debris before technicians eradicate dirt

18-point air-conditioning tune-up; detailed furnace inspection

Full-service installations that include site survey, unpacking of equipment, hookup of video components, cleanup, and remote programming

Cleaners wield power washers to purge grime from concrete, decks, and houses; window washers polish glass on homes of up to two stories

Expert traverses home with thermal imaging cameras, conducting air pressure tests & identifying the sources of escaping air to lower bills

Uniformed technicians suck up stains from carpets using truck-mounted equipment and nontoxic products

After initial scouting of chimney issues, cleaners specializing in creosote & animal removal clear flues to leave behind cleaner hearths

Core aeration allows air and water to nourish grass roots; fertilizer grows more lush lawns with fewer weeds

Factory-trained staffers wield vast knowledge of top furnace and air-conditioner brands when servicing clients in Metro Detroit