Detroit - Martial Arts Deals

60-minute workout sessions pit students against 6-foot, 135-pound heavy bags as they burn calories, strengthen muscles, and hone technique

Veteran marine teaches duos how to properly handle guns, perform movement drills, and basic room-clearing procedures

Class helps women deflect attackers with basic defense techniques, such as strikes, the bear hug defense, and choke hold breaks

Touch screens control target programs and shooting distance on 14 25-meter lanes supervised by on-site range officer

Self-defense classes teach practical, street-ready skills; martial-arts classes train students in blend of hard & soft Korean styles

60-minute workout sessions pit students against 6-foot, 135-pound heavy bags as they burn calories, tighten muscles & focus on technique

Skilled instructors foster nonjudgmental learning environment as they coach Brazilian jujitsu grappling, muay thai boxing & kickboxing

Extensively trained instructors impart self-defense skills & hone physiques with krav maga classes for all ages & fitness levels