Eugene Deals

Master aesthetician mists bodies with UV-free spray tan or defuzzes nether regions with bikini wax

Bimonthly mag travels inside noteworthy homes of Oregonians & collects advice on design for interiors, exteriors & gardens

Event offers name-brand children's apparel by Gap, Gymboree, and more for girls up to 12 years old and boys up to 10 years old.

Nail technicians amplify nails with gel polish & rejuvenate skin with personalized facials during sessions that last up to 95-minutes

Clients boost reinvigorating theta brainwaves & healthy circulation before relaxing with float in salt-infused warm water

Automotive detailing team cleans cars, trucks & SUVs with hand washes aided by professional-grade products & protective treatments

Guests race against clock to eat 2-pound cheeseburger, fries & 8 spicy wings to win free weekly meal & photo mounted on wall

Free, easy to use software helps create fully personalized photo books, cards & invitations with custom images & text

Boutique ranch east of the Cascade Range with horseback riding, 18-hole+ golf & farm-to-table dining

Food truck chauffeurs falafel & chicken or beef gyros to stomachs alongside american mac 'n' cheese melts with pulled pork