Eugene - Beauty & Spas Deals

Licensed massage therapist uses deep pressure or pure essential oils to restore flexibility and treat muscle tension

Aestheticians use organic products & detoxifying strategies to cleanse complexions & moisturize skin

Cream's active peptides, proteins & vitamins work to reduce fine lines & wrinkles while restoring firmness & tone to faces

Stylists perform custom cuts and color hair with partial highlights or create fun, wavy hairstyles with beachwave treatments.

Massage therapist relaxes bodies and relieves tension with 60- or 90-minute massages

Seasoned spa technicians minimize signs of aging or reduce acne with mini facials & custom blends of noninvasive, UV-free LED light

Botanical Science products combat dryness, acne, and aging as ozone steam and hot towels soothe faces

Master aesthetician mists bodies with UV-free spray tan or defuzzes nether regions with bikini wax

Nail technicians amplify nails with gel polish & rejuvenate skin with personalized facials during sessions that last up to 95-minutes

Clients boost reinvigorating theta brainwaves & healthy circulation before relaxing with float in salt-infused warm water