Fort Lauderdale Deals

20–30 mmHg compression stockings help ease vein problems; consultations outline treatment options

Miniature town thrills kids with an art studio, dress-up area, games, and indoor playground as parents dine in the gourmet café area

The pub’s menu includes 8-ounce burgers, crab-cake melt sandwiches, bangers 'n' mash sausage plates, and other Irish-inspired dishes

Palomar pulsed-light hand piece reduces hair growth and appearance in targeted areas in 30 minutes or less.

Experienced seafarers tote 46-foot boats of up to six fishermen as they prowl fish-stocked waterways with provided bait & equipment

Vegan-friendly gluten-free roasted-seaweed snack that's virtually fat-free, packed with nutrients, and available in five different flavors

Custom spray tans with Norvell products; complimentary glass of wine, water, or coffee

Spend the day exploring the beach with a segway tour and one-hour rentals of a bike, canoe, and beach chairs

Swimming curriculum with more than 60,000 graduates teaches water-safety habits and basic swimming techniques to toddlers and adults

Seafood shack embodies ocean lifestyle; serves dishes such as oysters and ahi tuna in an open-air eatery; voted Best New Restaurant in 2010