Fort Lauderdale - Charity Deals

Donations help to provide new shoes to underserved children during the upcoming school year and holiday season

Donations fund processing of cheek-swab kits to identify potential bone-marrow donors for the international registry

Summer camp helps youth with inflammatory bowel disease connect with peers & engage in camp & adventure activities

Teams search for injured birds trapped in fishing tackle along Biscayne Bay & provide them with medical care & rehabilitation

Experienced instructors lead dancers & optional partners in classes to benefit children's programs of Kiwanis Foundation of North Dade Inc.

Amid works from 150 artists, patrons sip wine & eat gourmet chocolates, with proceeds benefitting the Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County

Meteorologist Julie Durda emcees a symphony of local fare, Bacardi spirits & live tunes in support of local Boys & Girls Club members