Fort Lauderdale - Doctors Deals

Radio frequencies excite skin molecules in specific areas to smooth fatty tissue and reduce wrinkles

Technicians target unwanted body fuzz with Cutera CoolGlide laser as cooling system comforts all skin types

Lipotrophic injections doled out in 15-minute appointments can increase energy

Sterile diamond heads remove the top layer of skin in non-invasive treatment and reduce facial issues from fine lines to sun damage

The radio energy of a Syneron ReFirme laser tightens skin as it stimulates the production of collagen.

Radio frequencies excite skin molecules in specific areas to smooth fatty tissue & reduce wrinkles

A sterile diamond-tipped wand gently exfoliates skin cells to gradually reduce fine lines, acne scars or pigmentation issues

Licensed physicians banish wrinkles with injections of FDA-approved Botox & filler Restylane during quick, 30-minute treatments

Technicians banish wrinkles with injections of FDA-approved Botox & filler Restylane during quick, 30-minute treatments

Whitening treatment brightens teeth up to eight shades in one hour, whereas dental exam, x-rays & cleaning reinforce dental health