Fort Lauderdale - Health & Fitness Deals

In each 15- to 30-minute treatment, the physician injects veins with a solution that causes them to gradually fade

Radio frequencies excite skin molecules in specific areas to smooth fatty tissue and reduce wrinkles

Technicians target unwanted body fuzz with Cutera CoolGlide laser as cooling system comforts all skin types

Beginner-friendly Bikram yoga sessions led by trained instructors guide neophytes through 26 revitalizing postures in a heated studio

Laser diodes emit low-level energy waves that stimulate fat cells to release lipids and shrink underlying tissues by up to 30% per treatment

Zoom!’s light-activated gel brightens teeth up to eight shades in about an hour; custom take-home trays and gel

Lipotrophic injections doled out in 15-minute appointments can increase energy

Experienced doctor uses advanced laser to undo tattoos and remove ink of any color amid comfy med-spa environment

Twice-weekly boot-camp classes held on the beach focus on fat-burning and toning

Twice-daily glasses of herbal-detox drink work with breakfast serving of multi-protein drink to flush 5–20 lbs. of toxins in five days