Fort Myers / Cape Coral - Hair Salon Deals

A collection of facials removes dirt and oil from pores and moisturizes skin for men and women

Aromatherapy or therapeutic massages soothe muscles

High-end salon's well-educated stylists craft precise cuts and colors, completing looks with a Duragloss shine treatment

Nail services heightened by option for Gelish or Shellac nail polish that remains chip-free for up to 2 weeks

Licensed massage therapist leaves bodies relaxed by lavishing them with the long, gentle strokes

In a lively salon outfitted with racecar barber chairs, skilled stylists primp youngsters with kid-friendly hair and nail treatments

Rejuvenating emollients or organic mud cleanse and hydrate the complexion. Extremities soak up moisture during massage or paraffin treatment

Stylists free strands from dull, dead ends with exacting snips & add dimension to hairdos with partial or full sets of foils

Microdermabrasion buffs skin and reduces the appearance of fine lines. Facials cleanse skin and include a neck, shoulder, and scalp massage.

Deep-conditioning treatment or choice of partial highlights or all-over color flank cuts from stylists apprised of latest beauty techniques