Fort Worth - Charity Deals

Donations provide a wheelchair ramp for a low-income family with a child who has disabilities

From behind a double fence, watch more than 40 types of rescued big cats in environs that simulate their native habitats

Donations help to fund iPads so that youth with autism can practice their communication skills as a part of regular behavioral therapy

Donations help distribute backpacks filled with school supplies to 20 underserved students in Tarrant County

Donations provide court-advocacy services for a child who has been abused or neglected

Donations fund an overnight stay with meals and hygiene products for a family of four who are transitioning from homelessness

Donations help the library distribute books and early-literacy materials to new mothers and their babies at Arlington Memorial Hospital

Donations to help provide a youth seeking emergency shelter with first two days of critical care, including family-reunification attempts

Donations help send children from families with low incomes to YMCA summer day camp

Donations help Ronald McDonald House add guest rooms and game room so families with critically ill children can enjoy quality family time