Fort Worth - Health & Fitness Deals

Tailored fitness program designs 30-minute custom workouts that incorporate cardio and strength training, complete with automated guides

During a two-hour appointment, the dentist examines teeth and gums before staff applies a bleaching gel activated by a specialized light

Certified yoga instructor Brynn Byrne leads Hatha-based yoga classes for beginners & more advanced stretchers alike

Outdoor boot-camp classes at seven locations help clients lose up to 15 pounds with calisthenics such as crunches & body-weight exercises.

Boost whitening system brightens enamel without harsh heat or UV light & trays made from dental impressions whiten chompers at home

Instruction at 8,500-square-foot indoor facility focuses on mastery of fundamentals & development of efficient, repeatable swing

Dentists restore teeth with crowns placed on titanium implants as patients watch cable on 32 in. TVs

Natural, holistic weight-loss program that incorporates supplements, custom eating & exercise plans & expert nutritional coaching

Healthcare professional uses oriental medicine & acupuncture to correct bodily imbalances

Expert instructors lead several yoga variations, vigorous boot-camp drills & rhythmic Zumba classes for 4–8 students in intimate studio