Gainesville - Day Spas Deals
OPI's GelColor polish cures within 30 seconds under a UV light and can last for weeks without chipping
A mani-pedi with trimming, shaping, sea-salt scrub, massage, and hot-towel wrap; a signature pedicure with calf massage and marine foot mask
FDA-approved Palomar Icon lasers reduce the appearance and rough texture of scars or stretch marks
Hot stones melt tension during massage and pedicure; plant-based Aveda products cleanse complexions; stylists revamp hair and makeup
More than 300 colors of O.P.I. and China Glaze polish
Facial, massage, and nail services pamper from head to toe; also includes $25 toward future services
Mani-pedi with trimming and shaping, sea-salt scrub, massage and hot-towel wrap; signature pedicure with calf massage and marine foot mask
Hair stays smooth and frizz free for up to 12 weeks
Palomar laser, which can be used on variety of skin types & hair color, permanently reduces hair by stopping it in its growth phase
Faces sparkle after one of four facials, rejuvenating complexions with cleansing and exfoliating techniques