Hartford - Medical Spas Deals
Noninvasive 40-minute treatments work to contour the body and trim inches with laser light
Electrical currents, radio frequencies, and botanical Biologique products work in tandem to tone facial muscles and improve skin texture
Virtually painless needles inject a solution to minimize the appearance of spider veins
Zerona's cold-laser lights hover around the body, targeting fat cells in the waist, hips, and thighs; no downtime required
Tiny injections of sclerosing chemicals fade spider veins in weeks to months
A protein solution, blow-dry, and flatiron regimen leaves hair straighter, silkier, and shinier
Noninvasive treatment applies light and heat wavelengths to prompt the release of stored fat from stubborn regions such as the thighs or abs
Noninvasive treatment applies light and heat wavelengths to prompt release of stored fat from stubborn regions such as thighs or abs
After consultation, techs wield non-invasive laser beams to rapidly heat pigment in attempt to destroy follicles' ability to grow new hairs
After complimentary consultation & evaluation, technicians promote hair regrowth with noninvasive doses of therapeutic red-light energy