Honolulu - Health & Fitness Deals

Zoom! technology brightens smiles up to 8 shades during one-hour treatment

Optometrist diagnoses ocular diseases and prescribes lenses to correct vision

Zerona's noninvasive low-level laser beams shrink fat cells during one-hour treatments; whole-body vibration enhances treatment

Guests sweat out toxins in 90-minute classes held in a room heated to 102 degrees with infrared heating panels before swimming in the pool

Certified instructor mixes cardio with resistance training during 30-minute express boot-camp sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Dr. Michael Nishime, a board-certified implantologist, uses the latest technology to place and restore dental implants.

Medical staff showers unwanted tattoos in concentrated light beams to eradicate all colors of ink in treatments that require little downtime

Highly trained instructors impart ancient poses and breathing techniques that cultivate strength, flexibility, focus, and inner peace.

Doctors correct visual imparities with LASIK procedure & follow up with patients to check up on the healing process & evaluate visual improv

26 postures progressively loosen and detoxify muscles in a heated studio during 90-minute Bikram-yoga classes for all skill levels