Houston - Beauty & Spas Deals
Certified technicians mask skin flaws with Sciton laser beams that stimulate collagen production during 30- to 45-minute facial
Trained tech adheres up to 70 synthetic strands to original lashes on each eyelid with medical-grade glue to enhance winks
Certified staff dissolves unwanted body ink with high-tech Astanza laser treatments
Classical-style archways & loom over guests as pros transform hair, slather nails with OPI polish & massage muscles
Dermalogica products hydrate faces & solar treatment protects skin as guests nibble chocolate-covered strawberries & sip champagne
Aestheticians eliminate unwanted hair growth as they disable roots with gentle, focused light from Alexandrite laser system
Antioxidant-rich chocolate moisturizes & protects skin during body wrap & facial & multi-head Vichy shower drenches body in warm water
Aestheticians banish unwanted hair with custom, gentle wax treatment that leaves bodies hair-free for up to two weeks
Dead skin cells & clogged pores are exfoliated with gentle whirlwind of pressurized crystals that reveal healthier, more youthful visages
Keratin serum enriches hair with strength, protection from environment & resistance to humidity for three to six months