Houston - Medical Spas Deals
Laser beams delve into unwanted hair on one of 24 treatment areas, destroying follicles to stall future growth
Technician tattoos vivid or subtle accents around eyes, creating a natural look
Noninvasive LipoLaser paddles coax bodies into releasing triglycerides with cold-laser technology, which shrinks fat cells to reduce inches
Noninvasive treatment helps to contour bodies, subtract unwanted inches, and smooth away cellulite during 20-minute sessions
30-minute peels spaced at least 10 days apart refine the skin with a 70% glycolic compound; patients experience little to no downtime
Microdermabrasion exfoliates complexions to diminish signs of aging, and the signature facial tends to enlarged pores and refines skin tone
A laser emits pulses of light to remove toenail fungus on one or both feet
Noninvasive laser paddles shrink problem areas during 20- to 30-minute sessions before a whole-body vibration completes the regimen
Botox reduces facial wrinkles for up to four months
Heat applied to subdermal layers tightens skin and reduces wrinkles.