Kalamazoo - Shopping Deals

Prolific author assembles stories of fans' personal connection with the Wolverines in book with 24 color photos

Photo-transfer technicians touch up, enhance & print high-resolution photos on sleek, durable aluminum surfaces

Best-selling DVD collection, including award-winning products, improves motor skills & speech through music

Easy-to-use design program revamps photographs into table-ready, custom photo books with quick turnaround

Featured in dozens of magazines, water-resistant analog & digital watches for men & women pop in supersaturated colors & bold shapes

Twenty-minute eye exam enables optometrists to prescribe new specs from a stock of 700+ frames and thousands of lens choices.

Duo of 1.2-volt AA batteries features flip-off top with USB connection to recharge via any powered USB port.

Durable, water-resistant silicon wristwatches infuse skin with negative ions that may increase metabolism, enhance stamina, and boost focus.

Absorbent, cotton-terry-cloth robes dry tots while hoods trap in heat, and Superman or Green Lantern designs pique imaginations.

Online jewelers hand-set colorful or plain Swarovski crystals into multipronged pendants for adorning bare necks & earlobes