Kansas City - Shopping Deals

Former rival to Harry Truman celebrates long-standing haberdashery tradition with custom-fitted suits, Egyptian-cotton shirts & silk ties

Bike experts outfit rides with baskets & lights or inspect each moving part, tighten brakes, lubricate chains & cleanse surfaces

Sewing savants guide beginning needleworkers through introductory seminars & two project classes featuring either tote bag or skirt

Accessorized Droid smartphones connect Verizon Wireless users to Internet to share photos, send messages & play games

Handcrafted miniature figurines & bobbleheads bear the faces of clients, friends & family, with more than 450 body models available

Prominent shoe-repair shop imbues tired or broken shoes with new life & expertly replaces worn heels

Handbags made of microfiber printed with personal image that can be retouched to remove red eye or converted to sepia or black & white.

Collection of casual & sophisticated men's clothing assembles comfy, well-fitting outfits with wool sweaters, corduroy pants & stylish shoes

Moisturizing, naturally-driven skincare products comprise set of eco-friendly, socially responsible, beauty boosters never tested on animals

Hand-stamped Proud Mama pendants bear personal messages; names & inspirational thoughts grace LifeNotes necklaces