Lansing - Chiropractor Deals

After determining the sources of back pains, the staff promotes spinal health with a chiropractic treatment and therapeutic massage

After determining the sources of back pains, the staff promotes spinal health with a chiropractic treatment and therapeutic massage

Spines are gently adjusted and muscles are kneaded using a combination of modalities, such as trigger-point therapy

A chiropractic exam gauges reflexes, flexibility, and chronic pain before an adjustment realigns the vertebrae and a massage ousts tension

A massage therapist tailors a one-hour massage to your needs. A doctor of chiropractic examines your spine, reviews x-rays & adjusts joints.

Chiropractic center staff performs colon hydrotherapy & heart rate–variability scan to foster whole-body well being

Chiropractic exam gauges reflexes, flexibility & sources of chronic pain before adjustment realigns vertebrae & massage ousts tension

Chiropractors examine backbones & realign vertebrae with Pro-Adjuster systems before massage therapists mollycoddle tender muscles

Electromagnetic energy, ionic footbaths, massage & nutritional screening aim to remove obstacles to wellness

Knowledgeable chiropractors examine spines, snap x-rays, and massage stressed muscles for one hour.