Las Vegas - Medical Spas Deals

Vitality Institute peel aims to even out the complexion with a gentle yet effective formula

Doctor-led staff freshens faces with 90-minute intense-pulse light and radio frequency photofacial

Medically supervised weight-loss program includes consultations, check-ins, and vitamin shots

Exfoliation of dead cells from the face to reveal brighter skin; ultrasound treatment aids in the absorption of deep-moisture treatment

Board-certified physician diminishes facial creases for up to four months with Botox or Xeomin

Noninvasive radio frequencies team up with magnetic fields to tighten skin and reduce cellulite

Non-ablative laser diminishes wrinkles, pigmentation, and acne on the face, chest, and neck; pressurized oxygen soothes skin

Peels and exfoliation slough off the signs of aging; reflexology causes tension to melt away

Lasers target and shrink fat cells, improving appearance of cellulite and trimming inches

Beauty injections work to smooth out fine lines by either targeting frown muscles or filling out thinning skin in approximately 30 minutes