Las Vegas - Weight Loss Centers Deals

FDA-approved equipment slims specific body areas by delivering electrical currents to muscles, which contract and reduce body fat

B12's blend of methionine, inositol, and choline increases the body's metabolism to burn calories and aids in removing fat from the system

Online portal compiles recipes, workout videos, and inspirational seminars to augment diet program designed for weight loss and detox

Medical professionals track progress of patients during four weeks of B12, vitamin D, and ALA shots aimed at sustaining weight loss

Technicians target areas of fat with ultralow-frequency waves designed to emulsify the cells.

Sound and radio waves melt away fat from problem areas and tighten skin; vibration treatments stimulate lymphatic systems

B12's blend of methionine, inositol & choline increases body's metabolism to burn calories & aids in removing fat from system

The non-invasive Lapex BCS laser helps melt subcutaneous fat from problem areas without drugs or dieting.

FDA-approved equipment slims specific body areas by delivering electrical currents to muscles, which contract & reduce body fat

B12 vitamin drops, stress-fighting adrenal supplements, fruit juices & meal-replacement shakes in sunny, emerald-green storefront