Lexington - Arts and Entertainment Deals

Monthly educational kits spark kids' scientific curiosity with colorful lesson manuals & hands-on experiments designed by scientists

23-year-old piano prodigy teams up with UK Symphony Orchestra to perform Grieg’s Concerto in A Minor, op. 16 and Mahler's Symphony no. 5”

Professional drivers ignite adrenaline glands in speedy stock cars with exciting ride-alongs & racing experiences

Guests nibble popcorn, recline in stadium seats & take in new blockbusters or classic films in Food Network–lauded theater

More than two million holiday-themed points of light sparkle in 4,000,000 sq. ft. cavern as guests drive through in cars

Highly trained dance instructors guide students through fancy footwork in private & group lessons

World-renowned Vienna Boys Choir kicks off holiday season with Austrian folk tunes & holiday classics

Menagerie of model kits & remote-control vehicles keeps hobbyists at helm of ready-to-race planes, cars, trucks & helicopters

Four gargantuan slides send guests on 40 ft. plunges as young swimmers play on water-filled island & adults relax in whirlpool

Authentic four-wheel-drive Army-issue Hummers transport passengers through backcountry trails with views of waterfalls, flora & fauna