Lexington - Health & Fitness Deals

At-home teeth-whitening kit brightens smiles two to five shades with 30% carbamide peroxide during 15- to 30-minute daily treatments

Bodies emerge tighter and more toned after 90-minute sessions that help to drop inches and boost circulation with niacin-based cream

Trainers lead groups of five or six students in 45-minute body-toning workouts, with more than 20 classes scheduled each week

Low-level laser breaks down fat & vacuum massage tightens skin in noninvasive, virtually painless session that lasts about one hour

Chiropractors & therapists administer exam, adjustment & soothing massage

Cart zips twosomes across 6,473-yard course that runs around central pond and over gentle hills speckled with mature timbers

Bodies emerge tighter & more toned after 90-minute sessions that help to drop inches & boost circulation with niacin-based cream

One-hour lessons help children improve their coordination and balance. Camps run from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and include two field trips.

FDA-approved, USA-made carbamide peroxide whitens smiles up to five shades in trays custom molded at home

Dental team tends to teeth during visit that includes exam, cleaning & two sets of x-rays