Lexington - Tanning Salon Deals

Eco-certified organic solution, free of alcohol, allergens, fragrance, and toxins, lasts up to nine days

Eco-certified organic solution, free of alcohol, allergens, fragrance, and toxins, lasts up to nine days

Patrons can bronze without UV rays in Mystic Tan booths or maintain color for six months with unlimited UV bed use

Body mask blended with mud and paraffin causes an increase in body temperature that catalyzes lymphatic drainage, circulation, and inch loss

Rejuvenation, moisture, or purification mask appeases various pore problems before an upper-body massage extracts tension

Tanning centers house armada of bronzing vessels, from four levels of tanning beds to VersaSpa UV-free airbrush booths with open-air design

UV-free Mystic tan imbues sun-deprived skin with rich, natural-looking hue tailored to suit clients' complexion in 60-second process

One-hour body wrap aims to leave skin smooth, toned & silky by lavishing dermises with spa formula of paraffin & mud

Mystic Tan HD booths enable custom sunless-bronzing in matter of minutes, and Level 1 UV-tanning beds create golden glows

Tanning centers house armada of bronzing vehicles, from four levels of tanning beds to VersaSpa UV-free airbrush booths with open-air design