Long Island - Automotive Deals

Safe and convenient daily or monthly parking options for automobiles in facilities across Manhattan

Crew hand washes and dries exterior, dresses tires, and clears smudges from glass, or thoroughly details vehicles inside and out

Technicians dry sparkling autos by hand, apply wax & weather protectant & condition dashboards as air fresheners deodorize interiors

Oil change with up to 5 qts. of regular oil, tire rotation to even tread wear, and front-tire balance for optimal handling

Full-service hand washes launch each wash and detail package, followed by interior vacuuming and application of Rain-X products

Trained technicians offer filter & conventional-oil change, tire rotation & inflation, exterior window wash & complimentary top-offs

Safe and convenient daily or monthly parking options for automobiles in facilities across Manhattan

ASE-certified technicians drain dirty fluids and replenish engines with fresh oil before inspecting systems

After wash & wax, technicians hand-dry cars before vacuuming & wiping down interior during 15- to 20-minute service