Long Island - Optometrists Deals
Dr. Bart assesses eye health before steering patients toward a selection of contact lenses and more than 1,500 designer frames
Frames from designers such as Prada, Coach & Kate Spade house lenses with protective coatings.
Frames from designers such as Prada, Coach & Kate Spade house lenses with protective coatings.
Exams assess eye health while fresh prescriptions provide lenses made on-site to fit frames from Prada, Fendi & others
For more than 90 years, physicians & eyeglass specialists have paired peepers with stylish name-brand frames
Experienced staffers help to outfit faces in designer frames & sunglasses from selection that includes Ray-Ban, LaCoste & Gucci
At vision center stocked with contacts, transition lenses & designer frames, optometrist conducts eye exams & fittings in about one hour
Licensed opticians remedy fuzzy eyesight with prescription glasses from esteemed designers such as Legre Eyewear & Calvin Klein