Los Angeles - Automotive Deals

Auto-body craftsmen call on decades of experience to repair & refinish auto bodies & restore paint jobs

Staff members hand wash paint jobs, dress tires & trace vacuums across interior carpets & floor mats

Detailing techs clean vehicle surfaces with natural enzymes, soft microfiber towels & roughly 1 teaspoon of water

Attentive cleaners hand-wash cars, shampoo interiors & tend to exteriors with chrome polish, clay bar & carnauba wax

Eco-friendly facility uses recycled water & biodegradable soaps to wash & hand-wax jalopies, shampoo interiors & brighten cloudy headlights

Waterless mobile-car-wash company uses organic products to clean cars inside & out at client's choice of location

Technicians apply tint to windows in three hours or install Italian-manufactured auto speakers with three-year warranty

During 3- to 4-hour service, specialists coat windows with 3M tinting backed by lifetime warranty to reduce solar heat & enhance security

Techs scour vehicles during 20-minute detailing session or purge exteriors in three full-service washes with polish wax & Armor All

Soft, lamb's wool mitts remove dirt & oil & vacuums suck dirt from interior & trunk during hand washes that last roughly 20 minutes