Los Angeles - Medical Spas Deals

High-end technologies, such as stereoscopic microscope & 0.7 mm blade, allow for conservative, subtle-looking transplants

Lasers treat infected nails by killing fungal infections in 30-minute treatment with free follow-up

In 30 minutes, a SilkPeel machine sends custom serums deep into skin for wrinkle- and blemish-fighting effects without downtime

Medically trained staff removes unwanted hair in three treatments with gentle, ultramodern laser technology

Ailments are treated with chiropractic services and physiotherapy; clients feel their best with massage and skin-rejuvenation treatments

20 units of Botox smooth the skin for up to four months when injected into crow's feet, wrinkles between eyes, or forehead lines

A series of 10-minute sessions on a vibrating platform aim to improve circulation to muscles and joints and may accelerate weight loss

Plastic surgeon heads up a cosmetic center with adjoining surgical suites where faces transform with radio frequencies and laser technology

Cutera CoolGlide systems soothe the skin while permanently reducing hair growth at the follicular level on all skin types and tones

Licensed massage therapists alternate between soothing Swedish strokes and concentrated deep-tissue kneads in 50-minute massage