Los Angeles - Skin Care & Facials Deals

Blend of lactic, glycolic & salicylic acids dissolve blackheads, kill bacteria & renew skin from within

Aesthetician Diana Ralys purges pores, fights aging & improves skin texture with more than five varieties of facial

In cozy, powder-blue treatment room, aesthetician removes unwanted hair from bikini area during 30-minute Brazilian waxes

Anti-aging skin & hair products restore & protect skin with plant-derived ingredients

Expert stylists augment eyes with hand-applied lashes in array of curl shapes, thicknesses & lengths in boutique with six-year history

Medical aestheticians leave intimate areas bare & assess skin to formulate custom facials with extraction & mask

Non-invasive treatment evens facial skin tones & boosts collagen production with blemish-blasting concentrated light

Respected expert Dr. Humble promotes firm, smooth skin & healthy, even complexions with nonsurgical Lumensis & Cutera laser technologies

Inside personal sauna, infrared heat stimulates circulation & lymphatic system to flush away toxins & fat & relieve muscle tension

Aesthetician de-fuzzes bikini zones with French hard wax that increases precision & minimizes discomfort