Louisville - Chiropractor Deals

Licensed therapists integrate trigger-point therapy into medically focused massages that dissipate aches and stimulate healing

Massage, acupuncture, and laser treatments work to ease pain and boost energy levels; evaluations and body scans check for underlying issues

Licensed therapists integrate trigger-point therapy into medically focused massages that dissipate aches and stimulate healing

A chiropractor assesses symptoms such as pain and stiffness, then treats them with hands-on techniques such as spinal adjustment

Acupuncture's fine needles optimize the body's energy pathways to bolster overall health; body scan examines joints, diet, and organs

Veteran chiropractor treats musculature, skeleton & nervous system with exam, x-rays, & massage

Licensed therapists integrate trigger-point therapy into medically focused massages that dissipate aches and stimulate healing

Patrons have a choice of one of eight massage services, such as trigger-point or relaxation massage.

Chiropractors investigate backbones for sources of chronic pain before massage mollifies achy muscles with long strokes & gentle pressure

Experienced staff eases tension & enhances wellness with Swedish or deep-tissue massages, aromatherapy & low-level laser pain treatments