Louisville - Cosmetic Surgeons Deals
Up to 61% Off Microdermabrasion
One or Three Microdermabrasion Treatments from Alexander Digenis, MD, and Brian Thornton, MD (Up to 61% Off)
07 Sep, 2012 at 04:00 AM

A DiamondTome microdermabrasion wand removes the top layer of dead skin cells to reduce the appearance of sun damage and blemishes
Up to 85% Off IPL Solar Genesis Skin Therapy
Three IPL Skin-Therapy Treatments on Small, Medium, or Large Area at Imaage Cosmetic Surgery Center (Up to 85% Off)
09 Jan, 2012 at 05:02 AM

Plastic-surgeon-helmed med spa eradicates sun spots & other epidermal damage with IPL laser therapy
Up to 61% Off Microdermabrasion or Micropeels
One or Three Microdermabrasion or Micropeel Treatments from Alexander Digenis, MD and Brian Thornton, MD (Up to 61% Off)
04 Jan, 2012 at 05:02 AM

Doctors Alexander Digenis & Brian Thornton beautify faces with microdermabrasion & micropeel treatments to leave skin smooth & healthy
75% Off Laser Spider-Vein Removal in Elizabethtown
$99 for Two Laser Spider-Vein Leg Treatments at The Oral and Facial Surgery Center of Kentucky in Elizabethtown ($400 Value)
28 Sep, 2011 at 04:01 AM

Experienced staff; 30-minute sessions; Results in eight to 10 weeks; Minimal redness ;
51% Off One or Two Micropeel Facials
One or Two Micropeel Facials at Banis Plastic Surgery
15 Sep, 2011 at 04:02 AM

In-office procedure ; Treats environmental damage; For all skin types; Includes skin consultation;