Louisville - Rock Climbing Deals
Up to 73% Off Rock-Climbing Trip at Red River Gorge
Five-Hour Rock-Climbing Trip for One, Two, or Four from Kentucky Rock & Adventure Guides (Up to 73% Off)
22 Sep, 2012 at 04:00 AM

Certified guides lead rock-climbing ventures designed to teach technique and equipment knowledge
Up to 69% Off Rock Climbing
Two Day Passes or Four Weeks of Rock Climbing at Strong Hold Climbing Gym at Hester's Family Fitness (Up to 69% Off)
21 Sep, 2012 at 04:00 AM

More than 4,000 square feet of top-rope and bouldering routes
59% Off a Rock-Climbing Trip
$124 for an Overnight Rock-Climbing Trip from Derby City Climbing ($300 Value). Seven Dates Available.
04 Apr, 2012 at 04:00 AM

Experienced guides lead groups of up to 10 on sojourns into Muir Valley to scale routes & learn fundamentals of outdoor climbing
Up to 71% Off Indoor Rock Climbing
Day or Month of Rock Climbing at Strong Hold Climbing Gym at Hester's Family Fitness (Up to 71% Off)
26 Feb, 2012 at 05:00 AM

Wall clingers of all skill levels learn to climb in intro classes, & gym outfits each patron with equipment & skills for safe climbing