Lubbock Deals

Photographers snap shots on variety of backgrounds for a single image CD & printing of enhanced portraits with 40% off additional purchases

High-quality patio furniture & accessories enable outdoor style & comfort

Second-generation orthodontist provides holiday offer with panoramic x-rays & expertise in conventional & Invisalign braces

Heavyweight, silk-finished cards display professional designs, fonts, holiday themes & customer-uploaded photos

Rotating selection of low-fat, nonfat & no-sugar-added yogurts on tap with fruit, cereal & candy toppings

Globally franchised spa treats bodies to Hydro Massage, UV & Mystic tanning, light-therapy facials & other services provided by machines

Experienced massage therapist draws on background as registered nurse to alleviate stress, tension & aches during relaxing treatment

Feel-good care package includes old-fashioned chicken soup, rolls & cookies made in small batches from all-natural ingredients.

Practiced stylist Nicole cleans, crops & styles hair with Keune products & scalp massage kneads at temples in cozy, earth-toned salon

At-home whitening kit uses LED light & hydrogen-peroxide gel to brighten mouth stones two to five times.