Macon - Medical Spas Deals
80% Off Body Contouring at Cellusleek Center
$149 for Three CelluSleek Body-Contouring Treatments at Cellusleek Center ($750 Value)
25 Jul, 2012 at 04:00 AM

45-minute skin-smoothing sessions employ kneading-vacuum technology to break up congested tissue and tighten lumpy flesh
Up to 85% Off CelluSleek Body-Contouring Sessions
Three or Six CelluSleek Body-Contouring Treatments at Cellusleek Center (Up to 85% Off)
16 Mar, 2012 at 04:00 AM

45-minute skin-smoothing sessions employ kneading vacuum technology to break up congested tissue & tighten lumpy flesh