Miami Deals

Luxury Italian speed machines use 500 hp engines for 100 mph thrill ride captured on film

Luxury Italian speed machines use 500 hp engines for 100 mph thrill ride captured on film

Get a sharper edge on your game next time you play the course. For $37, receive a half-hour private golf lesson at Contes Palm Aire Golf Academy. Valued at $75, that’s a savings of 50% to swinging by the competition and proving yourself worthy of the links...

Analog cameras inspired by vintage models snap pictures flush with saturated colors & other old-school touches

Landlocked legs take flight during parasailing adventures piloted by experienced father-son team over Pompano Beach

Technicians target unwanted follicles on choice of 19 areas with Candela lasers effective for most skin tones

38-acre aquarium draws kids & adults into haunted houses, dolphin shows & marine exhibits

Experienced doctor emphasizes patient care during consultations & 15- to 30-minute LASIK procedures that bestow eyes with improved vision

Tanning professionals travel to customers' homes to bronze bodies with sprays of customized USDA-organic solution

Licensed chiropractors fend off injury & chronic pain with thorough exams, x-rays & therapeutic massage treatments