Miami Deals

In-office bleaching system brightens teeth in up to one hour; take-home trays with gel supplied at later cleanings maintain colour

Checklist includes scouring surfaces, dusting pictures, tidying under beds, polishing stovetops & cleaning floors with vacuums & steam mops

Infrared energy & mechanical massage work in tandem throughout VelaShape sessions, reducing cellulite & firming loose skin

AC units run more efficiently after thorough check, cleaning & adjustment & clean ducts sparkle free of mold & mildew

Minutes from popular casinos, Caribbean resort features fine-dining restaurant & villas with full kitchens

Supervised open-training program prepares participants for obstacle races through 30-minute workouts.

Mexican feasts bursting with fresh ingredients & house-made salsas include huevos rancheros, egg burritos & Mexican-style scramble eggs

Guided by pros, drivers get behind wheel of Ferrari, Lamborghini or Aston Martin to careen around racetrack 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, or 24 times

Spacious two-bedroom suites with balconies overlooking private crescent-shaped beach along Caribbean

Donations help fund coastline cleanup and provide trash bags, gloves, scissors & afternoon picnic for volunteers