Miami - Chiropractor Deals

Massages tailored to the client’s physical ailments relieve stress, boost circulation, and curb chronic pain

After chiropractors cured his sports injury, Dr. Bailey got his degree and now treats patients and hosts wellness radio shows

Technician coats clients’ skin in detoxifying niacin cream, then wraps bodies to pull out toxins and foster slimmer shapes

Chiropractic doctors ease pain with one-hour massages or spinal adjustments, aided by findings from chiropractic exams & x-rays

Three chiropractic sessions include exam, consultation & x-rays, as well as two adjustments & cold-laser therapy treatments.

Chiropractic exam guides spinal adjustments and therapeutic massages

Chiropractic Sports Physician of the year with more than 20 years of experience gently adjusts backs with advanced techniques and equipment

Technician coats clients’ skin in detoxifying niacin cream, then wraps bodies to pull out toxins & foster slimmer shapes

Chiropractic doctors ease pain with one-hour massages or spinal adjustments, aided by findings from chiropractic exams & x-rays

Licensed muscle-melters soothe tight tendons & reduce stress with 60-minute massages at clinics, wellness centers & health spas