Milwaukee - Entertainment Deals
Animatronic fire-breathing dragons with 40 ft. wingspans carry actors as they soar above audiences awash in 3-D projections
Two-day pass to Shannon Brown-founded outdoor festival featuring Monica, Robin Thicke, Slick Rick, and Naughty by Nature
Groupon and Wrigley Field team up to show The Blues Brothers, with souvenir sunglasses, world record attempt, concessions & discount beer
Inaugural festival treats guests to unlimited samples of 150 local and international beers, seminars on home brewing, and live music.
Guests scarf down buffalo wings supplied by 16 top vendors and sip unlimited beer samples at wing festival with live music
Automotive attraction showcases new models, exotic cars & pre-production models & lets visitors test-drive latest models
Trio of Irish & Irish-American entertainers mine guffaws & tickle ears with jokes, stories, Celtic folk songs & original ballads
Worldwide hit TV show live; Charming music & dancing; Great for preschoolers; Two reserved seating options;