Milwaukee - Outdoor Pursuits Deals

After 30-minute ground briefing, skydivers ascend to at least 10,000 ft. & jump while strapped to pros, reaching speeds of up to 120 mph

After a three-hour ground-school session, an FAA-certified pilot and student control the glider on flights of up to 5,000 feet

During the 2.5-hour class, kids ages 5–10 feed sea lions fresh fish poolside and learn the basics of animal training and conservation

Multirider bicycles, pedal carts, and creature boats add leisure and speed to floats down Fox River and rides through Frame Park

Two courses send duos pedaling through city streets to solve puzzles, pass checkpoints, and compete for prizes

Certified instructors give brief instruction and then help customers launch for tandem flights

Multirider bicycles, pedal carts, and creature boats add leisure and speed to floats down Fox River and rides through Frame Park

Cabanas and umbrellas come with food-service attendant; beach-goers slice through waves on standup paddleboards and kayaks

Fuzzy fleeces, soft feathers, and bristly hides rub against hands at a petting zoo where kids can also ride a pony and milk a cow

PADI-certified instructors oversee classes in classroom pool, teaching basics of safety, equipment use, and diving technique