Minneapolis / St Paul - Clothing Sales Deals

Collection of casual & sophisticated men's clothing assembles comfy, well-fitting outfits with wool sweaters, corduroy pants & stylish shoes

Founder Gaston Garcia stocks chic, lounge-like boutique with high-end apparel by designers such as Diesel, Hugo Boss, Mondo & True Religion

Boutique's buyers travel between New York & Los Angeles to hunt down high-end urban apparel & accessories from rotating lineup of designers

Sweaters, scarves & shirts from renowned brands such as Hurley & AĆ©ropostale share shelve space with Minnesota Gophers merchandise

Collection of casual & sophisticated men's clothing assembles comfy, well-fitting outfits with wool sweaters, corduroy pants & stylish shoes

Boutique's buyers travel between New York & Los Angeles to hunt down high-end urban apparel & accessories from rotating lineup of designers

Designer clothing ; Homegoods outlet; Clean, well-organized boutique; Featured on Minneapolis Picks;

New & recycled clothing; Sunglasses, hats & scarves; Quirky jackets, sweaters & dresses;