Minneapolis / St Paul - Dentists Deals

Dental implants replace damaged or missing teeth with crowns, which look and function like natural teeth

Elegant office with cozy leather furniture; Zoom chair-side whitening brightens teeth up to eight shades

In-office sessions whiten teeth three to six shades in 30 minutes

Dental team inspects teeth and x-rays for trouble areas before evicting plaque and tartar with a thorough cleaning

Up to eight porcelain veneers are firmly secured to teeth, concealing cosmetic imperfections and straightening smiles

Custom-made facings are bonded to teeth to create a more dazzling smile

In course of one hour, dentist assesses overall oral health with aid of bitewing x-rays before ousting plaque with cleaning

Dental duo restores smiles with natural-looking crowns over the course of several visits

A dentist with three decades of experience looks for cavities with a DiagnoDent laser detection system and crafts custom whitening trays

Dental implants replace damaged or missing teeth with crowns, which look and function like a natural tooth