Modesto - Cafe Deals
$10 for Coffees at J's Coffee House & Grill
$10 for 10 Brewed or 5 Specialty Regular-Sized Coffees at J's Coffee House & Grill (Up to $20.75 Value)
28 Oct, 2011 at 07:01 AM

Regular & specialty coffees caffeinate customers in casual eatery with four plasma TVs as well as breakfast & lunch fare
67% Off Three Passes to NorCal OktoberFest
$6 for Three Passes to NorCal OktoberFest at Vintage Gardens on October 1 at 6 p.m. ($18 Value)
16 Sep, 2011 at 07:01 AM

Celebrate German culture; Beer from Dust Bowl Brewery; Schnitzel, sausages & kraut; Polka to live oom-pah band;