Naples Deals

Runners traverse 4–6 obstacle-strewn miles to reach after party with beer and live music, with optional cash-prize competition

Online course grants internationally recognized certification to teach English as a secondary language

Flip-flop emporium in Coastland Center mall stocks sporty, casual, and elegant flip-flops for the whole family

Customers send in VHS tapes, photo albums, or film reels and receive personalized DVDs and private online content

Pressure points corresponding with various body areas induce relaxation; the facial cleanses, exfoliates, and hydrates to counter wrinkles

Cycling gear, parts, and accessories from well-known manufacturers; basic bicycle tune-up to whip wheels into shape

Three people fit on each jet ski, which the staff will teach them to operate; they then cruise around Estero Island, looking for dolphins

16”x20” textured artist canvas is gallery wrapped with prints of personal images and touched up with a professional photorealistic finish

After determining the sources of back pains, the staff promotes spinal health with a chiropractic treatment and therapeutic massage

Certified nutritionist Angela Pifer coaches carnivores and herbivores in vegan meal planning via website and personal communication