New Orleans - Cosmetic Surgeons Deals
Noninvasive, FDA-approved cold laser helps slim inches from waistline, hips, and thighs with little to no downtime
Lasers target melanin the hair follicle to stunt growth, nixing the need for waxing or shaving
Board-certified cardiovascular surgeon rids bodies of spider veins with minimally invasive 20-minute laser treatment
SilkPeel facials brighten tone, clear acne, hydrate skin, or boost resistance to environmental toxins
Noninvasive lasers administer heat to dissipate unwanted body hair on bikini line, underarms, upper lip, chin, or sideburns over three sessi
Aluminum oxide crystals clear dead skin in tandem with extraction and enzyme therapy; a gentle amino acid serum hydrates as it exfoliates
Noninvasive lasers administer heat to dissipate vascular lesions and leg veins in one to three sessions.
The eMatrix system delves into dermis with heat energy to heal tissue damage and reduce the appearance of skin irregularities.
Aesthetician nourishes complexions with gentle AFA peel during one-hour Tensage facials held in doctor-supervised clinic
Board-certified surgeon oversees dedicated technicians who use Syneron eMax laser system to zap unsightly stubble on all skin types