New York City Deals
Exams assess eye health while fresh prescriptions provide lenses made on-site to fit frames from Prada, Fendi & others
Glasses of house wine complement appetizers & entrees such as shrimp in Pernod sauce or 17 whole-wheat or white-pasta dishes
Current movies such as The Hunger Games and The Lorax play in widescreen while viewers munch on bottomless popcorn
Relying on casual fare from Japan & Korea, cooks pair sashimi, noodle dishes & tempura with Japanese beer & shochu
Burn calories in a selection of 40 fitness classes per week, including spinning, TRX suspension training, and Pilates.
Appetizers and maki or hand rolls precede choice of entrees or specialty rolls, with beers or sake included
Dr. Yampolsky customizes series of dental aligners that straightens teeth over 6–15 months
Inspiring instructors impart 26 classic poses in heated studio that melts stress, deepens stretches & evicts toxins
Passport membership grants exercisers access to equipment and classes at network of gyms across New York
Up to 20 units of Botox smooth over crow's feet, forehead lines, or between-eye creases for up to four months.