New York City - Bowling Deals

Plush, lounge-like setting with 40 mood-lit lanes equipped with large screens that play music videos

At a family-owned string of alleys, groups slide into rental shoes and sling balls down lanes during regular- or cosmic-bowling hours

Twenty-four bowling lanes and a sports bar, VIP lounges, and LCD televisions combine to entertain guests in the two-story facility

Crawfish event pairs New Orleans–style cover band with boiled seafood at upscale boutique Z Hotel’s rooftop bar

Modern bowling facility allows groups to take pins down 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on 48 lanes with automatic scoring

48 high-tech lanes feature touchscreen computers and 42-inch overhead LCD monitors

With gleaming lanes & modern equipment, AMF invites marble marksmen to serve up spares & strikes over two hours of die-hard tenpin bowling

The 28 pristine lanes equipped with monitor scoring stretch across lounge that boasts restaurant & bar with flat screens & dance lounge

Sleek, modern bowling facility with four Brunswick bowling lanes also boasts pool tables, full-service bar & American restaurant

At family-owned string of alleys, groups slide into rental shoes, sip sodas & sling balls down lanes for six total games