New York City - Dentists Deals

Zoom! in-office whitening treatments brighten teeth up to eight shades; dentist assesses oral health and administers cleanings

Experienced dental specialists examine mouths, take x-rays, polish teeth, and brighten smiles with Zoom! whitening treatment.

Dentist-developed toothbrush moves 30,000 strokes per minute to clean teeth in two minutes before returning to its self-sanitizing charger

Dentist with 25 years of experience examines and x-rays teeth, looking for dental issues before brightening smiles with routine cleaning

Dentist with nearly three decades of experience locates cavities and removes plaque or brightens smiles with hydrogen peroxide technology

Invisible braces straighten teeth in 6–18 months.

Spa-like office houses experienced dentist who personally performs exams & whitens teeth in the office or with take-home trays

Zoom! whitening process leaves smiles sparkling as chair-side TV entertains & dental-exam package keeps teeth healthy

Whitening polishes pearlies in a single visit through three 15-minute applications, whereas implant adds artificial tooth

30-year-old dental practice with friendly dentists and staff dedicated to its patients provides digital x-rays and a teeth cleaning