New York City - Detoxification Deals

Colonic irrigation bathes lower bowels in warm water; privacy is maintained with a closed system and a full-length exam gown

Labyrinthine facility with rock saunas, aromatherapy rooms, and massage and scrub treatments brings Old-World relaxation into modern times

Waste & toxin buildup are released through relaxing session that introduces warm water to colon

Juices, shakes, snacks & supplements fortify customers 5 times a day for 48 hours in an effort to detoxify systems & stimulate weight loss

Warm, purified water cleanses the lower bowels; ionic foot baths aim to draw out toxins

Purified water & one-use equipment irrigate colon, flushing away built-up waste & leaving clients feeling light & buoyant.

Experienced holistic healers help cleanse colons of built-up waste with controlled water pressure to leave clients feeling light & healthy

Experienced holistic healers help cleanse colons of built-up waste with controlled water pressure to leave clients feeling light & healthy

Licensed therapists evict toxins from system with treatments that include nutritional counseling & optional massage or vibrational therapy

Self-administered colonics on comfy Colenz table use warm quadruple-filtered water, with staff on hand to answer questions