New York City - Education Deals

Experienced instructors lead dancers through private, personalized lessons

Online time-management, productivity and leadership courses incorporate concepts from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Experienced dance instructors help students of all skills hone techniques in ballroom, swing, Argentine tango, and salsa

Famous paintings by Van Gogh and Klimt undergo new renderings at the hands of students during laid-back, artist-led sessions

A former secret-service trainer teaches students how to read facial microexpressions and to understand others' true feelings

Study the steps to mambo, salsa, and other Latin-style partner dances with the same group of students week after week

Marksmen practice shooting rifles or select firearms after one-hour safety briefing

Acting guru Mark Stolzenberg imparts decades of experience in subjects such as eye lines, close-up work, and emotions on camera

Professional trader seen on Million Dollar Traders teaches novices to turn profits & design balanced portfolios in five steps.

Drama classes for children focus on acting naturally, embodying a character, and selling a song with proper technique